Ready-to-use StrainSmart® software makes test setup fast and easy for strain gages, strain-gage-based transducers, thermocouples, temperature sensors, LVDTs, potentiometers, piezoelectric sensors, and other commonly used transducers. Using the parameters input for sensors, materials, and instrumentation hardware, StrainSmart® automatically outputs the results of the test data in engineering units. Test setups and measurement data can also be permanently stored for off line display or for use in databases, word processors, and spreadsheets. StrainSmart® has the capability to reduce data in both the time and frequency domains.
FFT analysis may be elected for data acquired at scanning rates greater than 100 samples per second. Accurate strain measurements require attention to the unique characteristics of the strain gage and measurement system—thermal output, temperature coefficient of gage factor, and transverse sensitivity of strain gages, as well as nonlinearity errors inherent in the Wheatstone bridge. StrainSmart® software takes these into account automatically. All strain-gage bridges are scaled for the number of active bridge arms. Data from measurements with delta, rectangular, and tee rosettes can be reduced to principal strains and stresses, as well as the equivalent stresses for common failure mode criteria. Fully reduced and corrected measurement data can be monitored online, and recorded at predetermined limits or at user-defined intervals.
- Complete Windows®-based software designed for the experimental stress analyst
- Easy-to-use StrainSmart® Wizards for fast test setup and for data acquisition, reduction, and presentation
- Sensor-specific assignment of inputs (strain gages, thermocouples, etc.), as well as user-defined assignments for mathematical manipulation of measurement data
- One-touch auto-balance
- Shunt calibration of strain-gage inputs
- Reduced data available ofline as a database table, ASCII text, HTML or Microsoft Ofice™ (Word, Excel, Access) document, or online by OLE Automation connection to spreadsheets, word processors, LabView, and other third-party applications
- Online interactive Help system
- Test setup and commonly used parameters available for saving and reuse for subsequent testing